Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, I want to wish everyone a very safe and wonderful Christmas. Stan King, pastor of Impact Cowboy Church asked me to find some Christmas cowboy poetry to read for the Christmas service. I thought about it and decided to write my own Christmas cowboy poem. I hope that it touches your heart as much as it touched mine.

Merry Christmas,


Christmas Lonesome

It was awful lonesome in that old cookshack
All the hands were out taking care of their winter chores
The boss was off to town and didn’t know when he would be back
Cooky was feeling lower than a armadilla’s belly
And didn’t have any Christmas spirit at all
He was doing his daily chores which weren’t much these days
When he saw the old dusty Bible sitting on a top shelf
He said “I have a little time, so I’ll sit and read awhile to myself”
He opened the Bible right to the story of Jesus Christ birth
And he was kinda surprised
He started reading about the birth of his Lord and Savior
In that manger in the town of Bethlehem
With all the animal’s and wise men looking on
He started to get a chill
“Why am I so low on this fine day” he said
Then he looked at the old calendar on the wall
And realized it was Christmas Eve
There was no time to waste
The boss and hands would be back soon
And he started preparing a Christmas Eve Feast
When the old cowboys got back from a long day of cold hard work
They were mighty shocked to find such fine fare
Cooky had been in such a foul mood that morning
They half expected to get coffee, biscuits and beans
“Come in, Come in” Cooky said in his most cordial voice
“I hope you boys didn’t forget, it is Christmas Eve and time for a fine feast”
After the shock wore off and they were able to speak
One ol’ cowboy asked Cooky “What happened today to change you into such a jolly, festive fella”
Cooky said “Sit down boys and let me tell you true.
Why I am in such a good mood”
He opened the Good Book and started reading those same bible verses
that he had read that very morning
Then he said a little prayer for each and every cowboy in that old cookshack
There was not a dry eye in the place
And each one was touched by the love of Jesus Christ that night in the old cookshack
The ol’ cowpuncher said “ Thank you for reminding us of the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Being out here on the cold prairie, we soon forget that Jesus will always make our lives right”
Cooky bowed his head “Thank you Lord” was all he said.

Written by Keith Wright 12/10/2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007


On February 3, 2007, the world lost a fine man. He is not my natural grandfather, but he made me feel like I was one of his grandkids and part of his family. This is the first Christmas without him physically being with us, but I know he was there with all of the family last night at the family Christmas. I wrote this poem in tribute to a great man, Charles Henry Meadows, affectionately named PaPa. PaPa loved all of his family and extended family and was loved by all who had the honor of knowing him. It was my privilege to read this poem at the family Christmas last night.

There is an empty chair at the Christmas table this year
We miss his wit, his charm, and mostly his love
He was a quite man, who I never heard raise his voice
To child, grandchild or great grandchild
He would give you his advice
But never his opinion
He lived life with a vigor, that I now strive for
He was always working on one project or another
And he made perfection out of a simple piece of wood
Merry Christmas PaPa, we love and miss you,
But we know that you are forever in our hearts
And here with us today.
Written by Keith Wright 12/15/2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Alarm Clock

Early every mornin’ on the trail
Cowboy’s have an awful rude awakenin’
The triangle sounds the alarm clang, clang, clang
Not sweet music to their ears
Dutch then hollers “Chuck’s on, come and get it,
Were burning daylight.” in a gruff grouchy voice.
Snap to cowboy, wipe the sleep outa your eyes or you’ll miss eatin
Cause Dutch don’t wait breakfast on no slow getting up cowboy
Bacon, taters and sourdough biscuits is our mornin’ delight
Times Dutch makes hoecakes and lick
That is a treat to our appetite
Hurry up cowboy eat your fill,
Work is awaitin’
Early every morning on the trail

Written by Keith Wright 11/25/2007

Friday, December 14, 2007


My name is Keith "Cooky" Wright. I have been a camp cook for about fifteen years and love rattling the cast iron. I recently bought a old chuckwagon and have started cooking for my brother-in-law, Stan King's, cowboy church. I have a great time cooking for the staff, praise team and anyone else who wants to show up early and eat. Everyone enjoys the great food and fellowship around the wagon before church starts. The church is Impact Cowboy Church of Nacogdoches, Texas and meets every Saturday night at 6:30 pm. Please contact me for more info. I bought the old chuckwagon to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the history of the chuckwagon to people who may be interested in learning more about both. It is amazing how many people will come up and ask about the chuckwagon and dutch oven cooking when the wagon is set up somewhere or traveling down the road on a trailer. I have set up this page to share some of my recipes, ponderings and cowboy poetry. This is a work in progress, so bear with me while I get started.

Thanks, Cooky